Windows XP and Dropbox
I was surprised the other day but there are still people who use Windows XP! Looks like it will just never die, despite having been first introduced like 15 years ago…

Couple years ago, Google Chrome started displaying a popup saying no updates will be released for those who use XP and Vista. No big deal, using an older version of Chrome is probably still safer than using Internet Explorer 8.

Recently, I had a customer who was unable to use their Dropbox account. She was able to log in online but running DropBox on her decade-old computer resulted in a warning that she should probably upgrade to at least Vista. She asked me if she can buy a new version of Windows but I advised her not to – no need to spend two hundred bucks on a computer that old.

So, I gave her an option to buy a new computer with Windows 10 but she politely refused. I had no choice but try to make the old one work and it actually did! Turns out that running DropBox in Windows 2000 compatibility mode does the trick. So, right-click the icon -> Properties -> Compatibility tab -> Put the checkbox to enable it and select Windows 2000 from the drop down menu. After that, signing in to Dropbox works the way it should.

But still, get rid of that dinosaur…

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